Monitoring Campaign Results

So you've sent a campaign? Now it's time for the magic to happen!

You can view the results of your campaign in real-time. When someone opens an email, clicks a link, unsubscribes, etc you will know about it.. in seconds!

How to monitor Campaign results

Here's how to monitor your campaign and what all those numbers mean...

Step 1:

Go to Campaigns at the top of the screen. 

Step 2:

From the Campaigns page use the filters to show only Finished campaigns - you can filter this list further by selecting the type of Campaign you are interested in. Click on the name of the Campaign results you wish to view

Step 3:

You are now in the overview page of your campaign. This page shows the main statistics about your campaign, and updates in real time so no need to keep refreshing your page.

Opens: The number of subscribers that have opened your mails

Clicks: The number of subscribers that have clicked one of the links in your email (if there are any)

Unsubscribes: The number of people who have unsubscribed via the unsubscribe links injected into your email template. Unsubscribers are removed from your group.

Hard Bounces: The number of emails that have hard bounced. This happens when the mail server we tried sending to has reported the email address as not existing any more. Hard bounces are automatically removed from your subscribers.

Unusually high Clicks and Opens

Sometimes you might find that your campaign shows lots of clicks or opens, sometimes from the same person or company. This is often caused by email monitoring systems that sit between the inbox and incoming emails and check the email for malicious links and content.

These systems effectively open every email, and "click" every link.

Our system monitors for opens and clicks from the same IP address and if we detect an unusually high amount of a short time period we mark the results as carried out by a "bot" and hide them from reports.

How to resend a Campaign to Non-Openers

Transpond gives you the option to re-send your campaign to any contacts that haven't opened the email yet. This action will clone the campaign and create a temporary segment of just the contacts from the original campaign that did not open it.
In Transpond, go to Campaigns
To the right of the chosen Campaign, select the 3 dots Icon
Choose the option to Resend to Non Openers

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